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The objective of Market Építő Zrt. is to maximise Clients' assurance in selecting the Company for the implementation of their investment projects, and thus to boost Clients' competitiveness in their own branches of industry. To this end, the Company's management and employees do their utmost to ensure that the name of the company is linked to real values of commitment, reliability, flexibility and expertise.

Main Endeavours:

  • To raise organisational efficiency
  • To retain the level of turnover and business, and to raise them at a steady rate
  • To continuously improve staff expertise
  • To further increase client satisfaction and establish long-term working relationships
  • To apply comprehensively the ISO 9001 quality assurance system.
  • To apply comprehensively the ISO 14001 Environment Focused Management System
  • To apply comprehensively the ISO 28001 Health and Safety Management System at work
Sándor Scheer
Chief Executive Officer
Balázs Báthory
Deputy CEO
Róbert Mikusi
Deputy CEO
Balázs Sütő
Deputy CEO
András Wolf
Deputy CEO
Zsolt Herencsár
Deputy CEO
Márton Bajcsay
Deputy CEO
Sándor Bajnok
Technical director
Gergely Baumann
Technical director
Norbert Farkas
Technical director
Zoltán Jasper
Technical director
Zoltán Juhász
Technical director
István Kiss
Technical director
András Májer
Technical director
Technical director
Dániel Szabó
Technical director
János Suga
Tender Director
Tamás Sónicz
Director of Subsidiary Companies
Laura Puszta
HR Director
Edit Blahut
Office manager
Tímea Kállai
Head of accountant
Zoltán Riskó
Technical director, building services
dr. András Lévai
Legal director
Tamás Krenn
Chief engineer
Zsuzsanna Pereczes
Chief engineer
Kristóf Karcag
Chief engineer
Emese Bodnár
Chief engineer
Tamás Rózsa
Chief engineer
Vilmos Kiss
Purchasing manager


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